The doors to the world of the Wild are few but precious.
-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The moon circle. What is it? I offer this to begin -- nourishment. Homecooked food to nourish the body. And then -- fire. The thing that has drawn humans into circle for millennia. And then -- witness.  A sacred honoring of the lived experience of each soul, without judgement. A safe space to confront hard things. To give words to things we are afraid to speak. We will meet our fears in the loving arms of our sisters. Because healing requires courage. Community creates courage. Women are community builders. 

We will sit around our fire. We will sip drinks we've made from the plants that are growing around us. We will dance with our bare feet in the grass. And we will nourish ourselves with delicious food. We will witness for each other. And when asked we offer wisdom to each other. We will laugh until we cry and we will cry until we laugh. We'll sing and howl and scream and beat the ground if we need to. We will still our bodies and listen to the spirits swirl around us. We will listen. And we will hold the sacred silence. We will breathe.

And in doing so, in letting ourselves open under the light of the moon and stars, we will reawaken the power that we've allowed to grow sleepy.  We will manifest a place wherein we heal and become healers. Because the way I see it, the world needs a new kind of healing. I believe it is the Divine Feminine that will lead the coming restoration into rightness with Source. 

Let the Moon Circle be a beginning...

RSVP below for in person events.

Full Snow Moon in Virgo
Saturday, February, 24, 2024

Super Moon
Facilitator TBD

Full Worm Moon in Libra
Monday, March 25, 2024

Wisdom holder TBD
Lunar South Node Eclipse

Full Pink Moon in Scorpio
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Post-eclipse conversations
Facilitator: Amye

Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius
Thursday, May, 23, 2024

Facilitator TBD

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn
Friday, June 21, 2024


Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Full Moon Circle
Guest Speaker TBD

Questions about attending a moon circle? Contact me